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Home Builder Reviews in Nashville, TN

With 1066 verified reviews, home builders in the Nashville area have received an average rating of 3.9 stars from homeowners.


Real Reviews from Real Homebuyers.

Beazer Homes

Beazer Homes

"We lived out of town while buying and building this house. Every time we came in for ...more "

Centex Homes

Centex Homes

"Chad was fantastic. He seemed to genuinely want to make sure we were 100% happy with the ...more "

Century Communities

Century Communities

"Ashley was above and beyond helpful!"

Del Webb

Del Webb

"My wife and I are very pleased with our house built By Pulte. Our Project Manager, TJ ...more "

Drees Homes

Drees Homes

"Great experience from the ladies at the Motel home to the final walk thru & closing! ...more "



"Everyone we've worked with at LENNAR have been great people, and very good at what they ...more "

Pulte Homes

Pulte Homes

"Connie was the reason we bought this home. She was so helpful and trust worthy. She ...more "

Homeowner Ratings & Reviews of Builders


TrustBuilder has compiled 1066 homebuilder ratings and reviews from candid homeowners that actually exist and really bought the house they claim to own, so you can get an accurate picture of the Nashville real estate market.

Nashville has 7 rated homebuilders. These quality builders work in 108 rated communities, making their passion for new constructing homes more accessible than ever.

These Nashville builders have earned an average TrustBuilder score of 3.9 stars from satisfied homeowners, demonstrating their commitment to customer service and their desire to deliver beautiful new homes.

View All Home Builders in Nashville, TN

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TrustBuilder delivers honest, independent, credible reviews on homebuilders across the country from buyers like you.

Every builder is rated on four categories:

star-rating Quality

star-rating Value

star-rating Trustworthiness

star-rating Responsiveness

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