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Home Builder Reviews in Washington, DC

With 1525 verified reviews, home builders in the Washington area have received an average rating of 4.1 stars from homeowners.


Real Reviews from Real Homebuyers.

Beazer Homes

Beazer Homes

"My home buying experience was really so good."

Del Webb

Del Webb

"From start to finish, my home-buying experience has been extraordinary. Thank you!"

Drees Homes

Drees Homes

"The process with Drees was great. We had stopped technically looking since we had not ...more "

K. Hovnanian® Homes

K. Hovnanian® Homes

"This is the 3rd home we have purchased and it was our best buying experience ever. From ...more "



"We recently purchased a home through Lennar, and our experience was nothing short of ...more "

Pulte Homes

Pulte Homes

"Pulte was helpful in choosing my home base on my price range I can afford to pay as a ...more "

Richmond American Homes

Richmond American Homes

"Would buy another Richmond American home-in fact this is our second."

Shea Homes-Trilogy

Shea Homes-Trilogy

"Workmanship very good, only small issues with new home that are addressed in reasonable ...more "

Homeowner Ratings & Reviews of Builders


TrustBuilder makes it easy for Washington DC home shoppers to find and connect with the right builder to help them along the journey to homeownership. TrustBuilder has 1525 ratings and reviews from real homeowners about their experiences working with DC builders and their new home.

Washington, DC has 8 rated homebuilders bringing their passion for quality construction to 181 rated neighborhoods. These hard working builders have earned an average TrustBuilder score of 4.1 stars from their satisfied homeowners.

TrustBuilder has the most builder ratings and reviews available to home shoppers in Washington DC. Your journey to homeownership starts today.

View All Home Builders in Washington, DC

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TrustBuilder delivers honest, independent, credible reviews on homebuilders across the country from buyers like you.

Every builder is rated on four categories:

star-rating Quality

star-rating Value

star-rating Trustworthiness

star-rating Responsiveness

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