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Home Builder Reviews in Ocala, FL

With 404 verified reviews, home builders in the Ocala area have received an average rating of 3.7 stars from homeowners.


Real Reviews from Real Homebuyers.

Del Webb

Del Webb

"Definitely a very easy process to get from start to finish on my house."



"Great service no complaints whatsoever"

Shea Homes-Trilogy

Shea Homes-Trilogy

"Was a terrific experience, Tammy at sales office was such a pleasure to work with. Dan ...more "

Homeowner Ratings & Reviews of Builders


TrustBuilder makes it easy for Ocala area home shoppers to find and connect with quality builders to help make their dream home a reality. TrustBuilder has the largest collection of builder ratings and reviews made by real people who actually own the home they rate.

In Ocala, home shoppers can explore 404 builder reviews. The 3 rated Ocala builders have earned an admiral average TrustBuilder score of 3.7 stars from their satisfied homeowners, demonstrating their passion for quality construction and customer service.

TrustBuilder clarifies and demystifies the real estate market in Ocala, FL. Our accurate ratings and reviews let you get a true idea of the home builders working in the area.

View All Home Builders in Ocala, FL

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TrustBuilder delivers honest, independent, credible reviews on homebuilders across the country from buyers like you.

Every builder is rated on four categories:

star-rating Quality

star-rating Value

star-rating Trustworthiness

star-rating Responsiveness

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