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Builder Reviews in Charleston, SC

With 1093 verified reviews, home builders in the Charleston area have received an average rating of 3.9 stars from homeowners.


Real Reviews from Real Homebuyers.

Beazer Homes

Beazer Homes

"Great first time experience. Mike is great sales person. Easy and smooth process. ...more "

Centex Homes

Centex Homes

"Excellent responsiveness to issues and great build quality so far. We'll continue to ...more "

Del Webb

Del Webb

"Our Project Manager, Keenan, was extremely helpful and kept us informed every step of the ...more "

John Wieland Homes

John Wieland Homes

"Smooth process from start to finish!"

K. Hovnanian® Homes

K. Hovnanian® Homes

"Jackie and Daniel were amazing. Jackie walked me through the entire process and was ...more "

K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons

K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons

"From first steps in the model homes the KHOV team has been professional and have ...more "



"I was very impressed by the quality of workmanship, the layout of house was great. Thank ...more "

Pulte Homes

Pulte Homes

"Maria was super helpful in the buying process. Jeff did a great job responding to our ...more "

Homeowner Ratings & Reviews of Builders


See all the ratings and reviews of Charleston's 8 new homebuilders from their recent homeowners. Along with finding all the rated builders in Charleston, you can also explore the area's 96 rated new home communities. On average, new homeowners in Charleston rate their builders 3.9 stars, so you can easily find an experienced team to build your dream home.

See more about how the TrustBuilder Ratings & Reviews program works

TrustBuilder delivers honest, independent, credible reviews on homebuilders across the country from buyers like you.

Every builder is rated on four categories:

star-rating Quality

star-rating Value

star-rating Trustworthiness

star-rating Responsiveness

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